Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Most Glorious Prize

Hello, Fellow Awesome People!

We (Alice and Quinn, duh) met about a year ago, but as it turns out, we have been neighbors most of our lives. Well, we grew up in neighboring states anyway. Recently, we decided to take a road trip back to the homelands to visit with some friends.

Here's the thing about these friends: they are all race car drivers. Seriously. That's what they do. So the big event that weekend was going to be a kart race among some of them. These karts go about 40 mph, which is pretty fast for what could be considered a children's toy. They were all pretty psyched for it. Well, it was the general consensus that the two of us would just be in the way if we tried to drive against the “professionals” (Weekend Warriors) so we decided (slash were requested) to sit out the race and find other ways to occupy our time.

We hiked all the way across the street to a Target where we found all kinds of awesome swag. Right when we walk through the door, we are greeted with GIANT cat erasers. Seriously, they are giant (At least three inches). And only one dollar a piece. Two please. #StillKids #ButWithAnIncome

After wandering the store, trying on superhero masks and checking out their sweet CD collection, we stumbled into an aisle filled with the most glorious selection of coloring books two grownups could hope for. Kittens, My Little Pony, The Avengers... Heaven. We armed ourselves with some crayons (Crayola, 24 pack) and set off to create some masterpieces. #BestDayEver

Right as we were leaving the store, the guys picked us up. Apparently, their race got pushed back and we suddenly had a couple of hours to kill. We decided that Dave and Busters was an appropriate place for young adults to hang in the middle of the day. What kind of shenanigans could we get into there? As if we weren't acting like children enough, we were suddenly armed with some D&B's cards and given free reign of the whole place. They even let us play without supervision! #ProbablyAMistake. We scoped out the prize area to determine what our goal ticket count would be for the day. Almost immediately, and simultaneously, we spotted the most glorious prizes – Unicorns! It was fate. And that was it. The day would not end until we each had a unicorn in our possession.

We have hinted before that we are competitive people. We like to win. We have to win. And when the prize is a unicorn, it doesn't matter how many people we have to crush to get there. We even bartered with our friends to exchange a few of our precious swipes on a four-person game of air hockey for all of their tickets. I mean, the game was fun, but we didn't have time to waste! The minutes were ticking away and we had unicorns to save, I mean, win!

The clock struck. The karters were anxious to get to the track. We used up all our credits. It was the moment of truth. We took our collective winnings to the register and weighed up our tickets. And when the total ticked across the screen, we both lost whatever adult composure we had left. We won the unicorns! Completely enthused, we rushed over to the rack to pick out our new friends, nearly knocking out a 5-year-old in the process. She was picking out a unicorn as well. #GoodTaste. As we decided on what color to get (white with a pink or blue mane), she looked up at us and exclaimed, “I've got a pink one, too!” We both looked down at the little girl and laughed. She was hugging her new unicorn and sporting a T-shirt with a cat on it. In that moment we knew there was hope for the future, and humanity. This little girl was on the right path. 

This post might seem pretty random, and it kind of is. But we can turn this around. We realized something important that day. Fantasy is something you grow into, not out of. We have a lot of dreams and ambitions, and sometimes it seems like we are living in a fairytale. But the reality is, we are just doing what we have to do, what we want to do, to be happy.

Sometimes dreams do come true. For example, we now both have pet unicorns.

Keep living your daydream,

-Alice & Quinn