Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Real Life

Hey Everyone!

It's Alice here today. #NoSupervision #PracticallyAnAdult

I know you all are used to reading fascinating stories about our lives that are just waaay too entertaining and full of wit. That's because we are awesome. But we are real people too, and sometimes our lives are less than fun. And sometimes, it takes more than sarcasm and wit to make sense of our troubles.

I have a few friends who are going through some hard times. They are all facing different situations and they are all reacting and coping in different ways. Sometimes its a little overwhelming trying to understand how someone is feeling in a situation you have no experience with. And then sometimes its hard to watch someone struggle with a situation you've been through. Its easy to sit here and say that someone should handle a problem a certain way (especially on the internet), but the internal confusion and mindset of someone struggling isn't always so clear. Sometimes when things happen that we don't expect or can't explain, it becomes really easy to lose our sense of self. Hard times always bring with them the hardest questions, like: Who am I? Was I always this person? What am I supposed to do now?

That's a lot to take in all at once.

Here's the thing, life is kind of hard. We all struggle with relationships, with our bodies, with our jobs, with everything happening in the world around us. Pretty much everything. But that's the point. We all struggle. We are all going through this life for the first time. We all make mistakes. We all experience failure and heartbreak and disappointment. But we can all get through it. Seriously, all of us. We can do this.

Quinn and I are lucky. We have a novel to keep us and our minds busy. We have support systems that keep us going when we feel like falling down. We have friends that constantly remind us that there is hope.

Because there is hope. For all of us.

For those moments when you don't feel that lucky, remember that there are people out there who care. There are people who want to hear your story. They want to help.

Actually, you can go ahead and put Quinn and I on that list. Seriously.

Keep your heads up, kids. Life gets better.


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